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Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight

On hearing barbershop singing for the first time around 16 years ago, it immediately struck a chord with Bill, ... more

Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight

This is the first in a series of member profiles which we hope to publish each week. In Hallmark, ... more

Come and Sing

Come and Sing

The Year Of Recruitment is underway.  Drop in and have a listen.   more

Steve Scott passed by

Steve Scott passed by

March 17th Horizon All Saints School. We had a visit from a coach who was in pain with a ... more

Painting the town pink

Painting the town pink

Arriving for rehearsal on March 12th, chorus members were set challenges to fulfil in local pubs and shops. Two teams ... more

Christmas Day

Christmas Day

A VERY large cheque was presented to St. Lukes on Christmas morning by a sturdy band of Hallmark singers. ... more

45th Anniversary Celebration

45th Anniversary Celebration

A last-minute rush for tickets on the door meant that the auditorium was full for the spectacular 45th Anniversary ... more



The chorus went to Ireland. Accepting IABS' invitation to perform at the Killarney convention in October 2023, large numbers ... more

Irish Convention

Irish Convention

Members of the chorus recently returned from a singing trip to Balbriggan and Killarney where they entertained, rehearsed and ... more

Small Group Singing at SHU

Small Group Singing Event Many thanks to Jules Roberts for organising a Small Group SInging event up at Sheffield Hallam ... more

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